lady friend

A couple months ago, I was in a meeting at work to view some upcoming TV pilots. One of the network sales women said something (I’m still not sure what it was) and caused our media manager to immediately turn to her and demand “Are you a TURTLE??” “Uh… no…?” […]

Are YOU a Turtle?

The Monday Hangover: Other drink adventures of note from the weekend. Following a trip to Curtis Liquors, I returned home with a sample pack of Mercury Brewing Ipswich Ales, including their Original Ale, Summer Ale, and IPA. I cracked an IPA (very nice, decently hoppy, but not out of control) […]

The Monday Hangover: Oct 8-9

Octoberfest season! The ol’ SquirrelFartsMail inbox started lighting up a couple weeks ago with notices of various autumnal October/Oktober festival drinking opportunities (I subscribe to quite a few drink-related newsletters). I generally avoid the larger gatherings, preferring smaller venues with easier (quicker) access to the beer. I don’t like crowds; […]

Das Oktoberfestenmunchenpretzeldrinkenbieren, jah!

There’s a brewery in my hometown. If you live in Portland, Boston, Burlington, or even Syracuse, that may not be such a big deal. However, I’m from a small town in the seacoast area of New Hampshire called North Hampton. If you’ve ever heard of Hampton Beach, it’s just north […]

The Homecoming: Throwback Brewery

I had entered a couple photos in a local art show Friday night, so our cocktail night was a bit delayed. Lady Friend started with wine at the show, then switched over to beer for dinner at the Union Brewhouse, where we each checked two more brews off of our […]

Rule 37: The Boulevardier

Ok, I’ve got to get this out of the way right now. [youtube=] That song goes through my head every time I think of the name “Albany Pump Station.” Pump it up A little more Get your body moving on the dance floor Have I started yet? I have? Ok. […]

‘CuseQuest Bonus Round: Albany Pump Station